Saturday, November 5, 2011

traditional yet contemporary home design

Over at ron brenner architects I am doing some design work for new clients of mine.  They are looking for a home that blends the contemporary with the traditional; something that is both yesterday and today.  I presented the following three concepts.

A double gable scheme.  This form being familiar without being common.  

Shed on shed scheme.  Here I utilized a classic saltbox colonial roof form; blended with a more contemporary arrangement of windows and use of color.

Gable on saltbox scheme.  The full front gable is an unusual variation.  Side bumpout and "link" between house and garage is clad with metal

My clients were very happy with the alternatives.  In my next article I'll show you which scheme they chose; along with the developments we have made since then.

Which scheme do you prefer?


  1. I love the first and third houses. Maybe the first one, the best - the double gables and the traditional look. Reminds me of the Willowbrook, which I love. I would love ot see the layout or know the potential size, but maybe you didn't get that far. They picked the third one, right? Anyway - love all of your homes (I have emailed you previoulsy about the Willowbrook and the Dutch Colonial and the farn house). Hoping I get to work with you in the near future when we take the plunge and build our own home.

  2. stephgraham
    Thanks for the comment. Yes they did pick the third one. I'll probably post a variation of this to simply elegant home designs in the next month or so.

  3. I will be looking forward to it, then.
